Things I've created

Projects, Product and more.

I’m a maker at heart, so I’ve created a number of products and services and founded a few companies over the years. Here are some highlights.

Microsoft 365 plugins and services

MailMerge365 provides email marketing automation for Microsoft 365 with link tracking, unsubscriber management and more.

SecureMailMerge is a privacy first mail merge plugin for Microsoft 365 that let’s you send sensitive emails to groups of people including individual attachments.

TemplateManager365 is the free email template plugin for Outlook with a paid team version using Microsoft 365 Groups.


Boathouse provides add-ons for Paddle Billing like a customer portal and analytics dashboard.

Innovote lets you collect scores and feedback for innovation projects, startups and more. Used by innovation events and hackathons.

Innoscout is a privacy first innovation scouting platform with built-in questionnaires, flexible evaluations workflows and more.

Free Tools

FreeTools provides free basic utlities for the web including common file conversions.

Clean Pricing generates international prices for products and services based on their local pricing. Users the current exchange rate, a choice of cleaning methods (e.g. rounding) and can apply purchasing power parity.

Paddle Friends is a directory of product and services that integrate with the payment provider Paddle.

Past Ventures

WorkInEurope: Co-founded a platform to digitalize immigration processes in Europe, starting with Austria.

WhatVenture: Co-founded one of Europe’s leading innovation consulting firms. Focussed on teaching innovation best practices to large organisations at scale through a blend of e-learning and an innovation project management platform.

DealMatrix: I joined as CTO to attempt a turnaround of the company after funding dried up and developed and designed the innovation scouting platform.