Loading Geonames.org data into SQL Server and SQL Azure or “Why Integers just aren’t the right choice for population fields”

For a current project I've loaded country and city data from GeoNames and since most of the guides are outdated let me briefly summarize how to get a dump (available hereĀ - works for the "allCountries" file or single countries). Step 1 - the schema The file is tab-delimited and follows the schema described here. The … Continue reading Loading Geonames.org data into SQL Server and SQL Azure or “Why Integers just aren’t the right choice for population fields”

Off-Topic: T-SQL: Replace all occurrences in all columns in all tables?

Update: You can download the sql file here: http://cid-8e9963932ac1f048.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/%C3%96ffentlich/STRING|_REPLACER|_V1.2.sql (saves you cleaning up the copy-pasted code from below... oh and hello experts-exchange-users) Have you ever been asked to write something where you knew from the start that it could possibly wreak havok? Well I did today and since I haven't posted in a while I … Continue reading Off-Topic: T-SQL: Replace all occurrences in all columns in all tables?